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Alternative Guide for Super Massive Black Hole Tourists

Alternative Guide for Super Massive Black Hole Tourists Evidence Reveals that Super Massive Black Holes May Exist at the Center of Galaxies. Data from Collected Milky Way Galaxy Observations Reveals Massive Illuminated Objects Orbiting What Appears to Be an Tiny Invisible Point in Space Lex Loeb Contributor Network . There is now great evidence proving the existence of super massive black holes in the center region of many observed galaxies. The best evidence comes from what is thought to be the center of our own milky way galaxy . You can google the animated photo gif by using key words: super massive black hole milky way animated gif. One animated gif shows a three dimensional fly by which shows the elliptical orbits of each major massive illuminated object in various orbital periods and alignments almost certainly making the central point with no visible light source likely a super massive black hole. The data collected over a long period of time lapse observations by some of the largest telescopes in existence is a mind blowing coup for astronomy. Because the orbits of the masses are so very fast it seems like near collisions occur as the objects cross each other's orbital pathways but that may just be an overlay super imposition because in the animated gif there is no collision and that will when one finally happens and gets observed show evidence of shock waves and possibly reveal an event horizon at some point. The present data reveals no event horizon and no direct evidence of the existence of a black hole just orbital lines with 1000 meters per second orbital speeds giving the total mass of the invisible object being orbit amazing mass that is up to several percent of the entire mass of the entire galaxy concentrated in what may just actually be a pin prick size point in space. The calculations are simple Newtonian physics which is the most reliable means of calculating mass we have given the observed variables that are measured of acceleration and the orbital track and the apparent force involved to maintain the observed velocity of each separate orbiting massive object. The mass of each orbiting object can also be calculated with a fair degree of certainty. The success of NASA programs in getting orbiters to mars and Venus , etc, is because the same Newtonian physics works perfectly well in our own solar system or just with ballistics here on earth. Why am I skeptical? I am not. This is not computer generated modeling but from actual observation that has been tested and retested for accuracy Another observation that is now pretty certain is that the rotation of the central core, perhaps invisible accounts for the rotation observed of the whole intact galaxy sort of like the center of a wheel having spokes control the outer rim movement. This is apparently not consistent with what is being observed where the massive central illuminated masses are in random orbits rotating around a core that is apparently spinning on its axis. If the axis spinning governs the far ends of the galaxy why then is it not in phase with the massive objects closest to the center? The most powerful gold of gravity would necessarily be a the center and yet the observation of random eccentric orbits just do not seem be doing what is expected The area looks more like a disturbance in a pond than it seems the strong arm of gravity at an area bordering what must be at some point the expected event horizon. The whole thing is just simply astronomical and mind blowing in nature because it does seem to follow the Newtonian laws and does seem to agree with Einstein's prediction of the existence of super massive black holes. The mystery is wonderful to say it a different way. An alternative thesis is that at the center of the galaxy there is a "dark" plasma swimming pool medium for the observed orbitals that sweep up the that plasma in motion. There is no evidence of drag or resistance. I am not clear there is an electromagnetic pulse or radio signal observed as the massive orbitals interact with in each other's magnetic fields as they possibly could. The animations also don't suggest they interact with each other very much at which might be expected if the black hole were not deemed to be of such powerful gravitational influence as to supersede any of the other orbitals in relation to each other. A single point seems to correspond to each of the various elliptical orbits as only thing they all have in common. In yet another alternative theory the second construction point for each orbital needs to be plotted for a diagram because I assign to that my vacuum counter force. The asymmetry of the central core activity is stunning and of great importance. I am actually wondering if there is a black hole event horizon or if the radiation of the objects in orbit is due to friction rather than any absorption of mass directly to the center. The very bright nature of the center of galaxies seems in conflict with the idea that black holes are at the centers. Although the center does seem cleaned out of mass the sweep of the orbitals should be absorbing that with their significant vested momentum and gravity. The objects in the images do not show much evidence of warp as might be expected due to a super massive black hole in such proximity. One can not expect anything this big , far away and alien not to be completely weird. It is living up to that expectation. My thought when studying the animated image is that the various orbitals appear to be falling down into a topographical funnel or vortex. The three eccentric orbit variability does not support this but there is one more big Einsteinian Problem and that is the lack of a so called gravity lens. Assuming you have a super massive black hole with the mass of 2 % of an entire galaxy concentrated at a pin prick center point churning the rest of the galaxy then the objects in motion closest to the center should be experiencing a warping effect that combines their motion with the rotation of the assumed core center super massive black hole. There is no warp that is visible in the photos taken so far and there is also no gravity lens optics, No shock waves from black holes tearing apart big chucks of mater. The main mystery I see is that in galaxies that usually have rotational bilateral symmetry this galaxy center is surprisingly asymmetrical.. It could be that gravity and time are an illusion as they could well be given a different frame of observational reference? I have studied astrophysics for a very long time looking for evidence of optical illusions just because I believe that the optical illusions that I have found are optical and not due to relativity. My alternative explanation for gravity lensing theory is that refraction and diffraction and multifaceted or bilateral symmetry are at play. The Galaxy has a structure of a bilateral rotational matching symmetry but the core is so very asymmetrical. It does not seem to follow. If the core of every major galaxy happens to be a super massive black hole it is interesting how they happen to be scattered around space rather than having some mutual affinity. Very highly concentrated points of immense gravity yield a different model view of the known universe that used to have more gravitational mass in more places as galaxies were seen as predominant sources of gravity rather than just their centers. The evidence seems to be showing that galactic disks are rotational fields in sync with the vast spiral arms emanating from the spiral sort of galaxy like giant turn tables in motion with all stars more or less set in place on the surface. The only evidence for the black hole at the center of a turn table controlling the turn table is the apparent motion of the orbitals but that still does not mean there is necessarily a black hole at the center. My perception is that a records ride on top of turn table platforms in a phonograph I want to understand the reason why the typical galaxy seems to be a surface typology rather than the spherical. The usual explanation is due to the rotation/ angular momentum I wonder thought that out in empty space that a black hole should just have a axis rolling motion that is does not over turn itself. rolling a ball out of clay in your hands you cant roll it in one direction only without getting a cylindrical shape. The spherical shape comes from a more complex motion. The drag of having a vast plane of interacting mass could be the counter balance but at the core we see the asymmetrical and the eccentric orbits off the galactic plane axis. That is why my alternative thesis is that the galactic surface is more of hurricane like structure possibly floating or riding on a surface that gives it it's flatness. All that we see in the entire galaxy is that which is illuminated and radiating energy and not absorbing energy. Anywhere where no illumination is seen in a Galaxy can be an area where more massive structures are equally likely to exist as does a super massive black hole at the center by the same thesis. If there is no radiant energy of any sort it could be absorbed in areas where there appear to be blank spaces or diffuse gases. I see the galaxy images and they remind me of a vortex of bubbles floating on the water in a bubble bath tub and the force lines of the water surface as it spills down a drain. Galaxies are a little different with what appear to be odd optical illusions. I find it curious. .


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