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Implications of the Laser Cooling of Atoms in Bose -Einstein Condensate Experimentation

Implications of the Laser Cooling of Atoms in Bose -Einstein Condensate Experimentation The Semantics Defining the Properties of Cooling and Heating Atoms is Creating a Condensation of Confusion Lex Loeb Contributor Network . I hate being the world's only skeptic on the subject of Bose-Einstein Condensate experiments. My skepticism is more reserved for quantum mechanics expanations of the data than to the experimental phenomenology. Stripping atoms of Energy of motion by passing over them a stream of filtered photons at the reactive key color somehow rendering unique individual atoms into a molassas mass of sinularity is one of the most fantastic claims in all of scientific history. Considering that short interval of time that the condensate exists and how immediately , quickly it warms back upto a stable background temperature makes me wonder if defining it as having actually been cooled and not merely restrained with the energy stream of photons is what leads me to my condensate of confusion on the issue. If photons are discrete particles that can be counted the real question about the ability to put them into a doppler shift configuration makes me wonder if they are not dragging something behind them, Is the photon now believe to be made of components of both mass and energy where the mass gets dragged behind the energy component? To apply the newtonian definition of mass to anything having to do with a photon is to alter Newton's original definition of mass. Perhaps redefining it as "photon mass" would give the notion the proper semantics as an analogy to mass. Research , however, does show that the photon does not the interactive property of mass where by it induces the forces of the retention of its original foreward momentum. I have experimented with light to see if it really does impart a "force" of its high veleocity transit though space on material objects that reflect it or absorb it and find that both the particle and wave analogies of light better apply to the surface used to detect and observe the interactions with photons. That is where my confusion begins. Then comes the recognition of the amazing optical cooling of atoms using lasers and teh production of Bose-Einstein Condensates in particular atomic structures. The most interesting subsequent experiments come in the form of light pulses being captured and slowed down within Bose Einstein Condensate and this realy condensates my confusion and curiocity. The reason why is that slowing down light and holding it would necessarily be the opposite of cooling. I can see a different explanation for what might really be happening with the experiment. The other thing I immediately sense is that this experiment should definately have a slow motion proof of the photonic doppler effect that would convert me to a believer but what is seen is X in and X out. Curioius about low temperature experimentation with super conduction has a liquid gas used that qualifies the experiment as having super cooling going on by a variety of ways to test and retest it. With laser cooling the only way to be a believer is to take the original assumptions at face value that the effect is caused by actual cooling. I am fascinated by the idea of super atomic masses and can see the potential to create them with cooling as well as with warming. . Close


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