I just figured out what photons really are. At least I clarified the definition. They are just code. Coded imprints of angular momentum. Photons absolutely do not exist until mater collides with them so there is no energy in transition at least none that can be measured or sensed until the code is received. Hey we do the same thing with radio waves, light pulses , microwave radiation pulses. So photons do have properties as a rather symbolic code more than being energy . Yes they can impart energy but not until mater is also involved which does mean they are code and a coding mechanism . I rather think exclusively so. (I am still figuring it out though) So when we get radiation we are seeing code being sent out from a material source and this code imprints the angular momentum of mater principally atoms and their component parts. The imprinted code radiates out and will not interact with other photons in space but it will if absorbed...
Yahoo shut down the site these articles were originally on.