When ever you read or hear anyone using the catch term 'sustainability" What is it exactly that they mean? Reality is that we humans have lived sustainably in many different ways over millennia here on earth. There really is no example of a time or place where any one lived unsustainably. We can use wood fire stoves to heat and cook for the rest of time. It is completely sustainable. We can use oil and gas and coal probably just as long as we keep looking and keep finding more. I have been to Rome Italy and its surrounding areas and know darn well that what was once a great ancient city is sustainably buried under farms and fields in some places and newer city buildings in most others. Rome apparently was sustainable and so was what used to be there before the ancient city was built. The reality is everything we humans can do is pretty much sustainable. No need for fake declarations of climate emergencies mandated by the legis...
Yahoo shut down the site these articles were originally on.