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Showing posts from July, 2024

China is winning and the USA is losing. The US might never recover.

 If the United States does not lower taxes and again become a sanctuary for foreign financial assets the country loses many of its greater advantages. Over regulation in the USA is making citizens waste their time on  nonsense initiatives that are counter productive instead of competitive. The US should be party to no world wide minimum corporate tax and we should be allowing our citizens to realize capital gains without being taxed on inflation.  We are doing ourselves in much like Great Britain has.  We are following many of their mistakes.  China's motto could be we can do any thing better because now they can.   We tear down dams and they build an infinite number of dams.  Our major dams are getting old many 100 years old and the engineering is outdated.  when you see white water coming out of a hydro electric dam it means energy is being lost from a river that is otherwise rather calm.  where you hear buzzing high tension lines you also can figure that energy is being lost.  W

Collisions in Space can be like weather fronts. What if what we think we see with our most advanced telescopes is all a misinterpertation?

 When 2 cars collide head on their combined speed is what nets the force of collision.  When an asteroid hits the earth it can do great damage or burn away some of the gases in the atmosphere. When a field of asteroids hits the earth it can do a lot more damage than a single one the same size.  In space one field of stuff can collide with another field of stuff and it can be light years across and you see it light up because of the energy release when two fast moving fields collide  You can see the fall out  and  you can see the active area where the collisions are happening.  You might see reflections of the spectrum of light possible and some refraction too.  When i look at photos of massive far away formations i often wonder if there are fronts colliding and what is visible is the active area.