Photons transmit no energy have no mass, have no wave properties. All three of those properties are properties of mater that has interacted with photons. Photons are found to be pure code and nothing else. We humans use photons for transmitting code. No wonder. The question then is where does the energy come from if not from photons? At the gravity research program lab we found out from where it originates and that is in the nucleus of atoms that interact with photons as pure code. Does that make it nuclear physics? Well certainly . First of all a photon is just electromagnetic disturbance that has left a body of mater from where the code is most likely to have the greatest effect. The more concentrated the atoms the more likely the code transmission is likely to be part of cause and effects. The energy is found to be derived from underlying momentum. This leads to the new empirical concept of super relativity. It does relate electro...