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Bitcoin , Most Crypto Currency Are No Better Than Investing With Bernie Madoff And Maybe Worse.

 Just because you see an elevator going up and a lot of people wanting to get on it does not mean you should too.  The Media, Tech Media and some financial institutions are now trying to mainstream cryptocurrencies for savings and investment.  The only real message they have is you will miss the elevator going up if you don't get in. Get in Now.  Don't miss going up. 

You can make you an instant fortune others already have . Some have become instant billionaires why not you?  All you are buying is an empty data box on computer servers.  With Bitcoin there is no intrinsic value.  Not even a fraction of a cent par value.  All you buy is trust that others, later on, will pay as much or more than you have later on.  So you trust the biggest stock market investors to buy your stock from you for more than they think it is worth? That would be like Warren Buffet giving away money instead of making it in the market.  

It does not matter how slick your cryptocurrency broker online is. That just makes it too easy to throw away your money.  Easy to buy and trade until everyone tries to sell all at once and that usually happens in a panic when people desperately need cash, real cash, to pay real bills or settle debts.  That is what happened when Bernie Madoff's operations when he failed and his real scam was exposed because he had nothing in the bank to pay his sucker investors.  Same with crypto.  Not one cryptocurrency trading house or agency guarantees any base intrinsic value for most types of crypto.  When some big traders are forced to sell there is no bottom. Small traders can get more for less but as more people see the momentum down they join the selling.

Instead of burning kilowatts to "mine" crypto like bitcoin crypto should be traded in kilowatt units sold to paying customers.  That would make it a non-fiat currency.  Don't get sucked in. If you want something that is a currency that can stay above the rate of inflation buy electric public utility shares, not a hyper Madoff investment based on libertarian trust.  As a kid, I remember gas stations giving away president and other tokens made of base metals or aluminum.  those could prove to be worth more than cryptocurrency as scrap metal or a trading item on eBay.

Bernie Madoff sucked his marks in with a sales pitch that he kept hush hush to get people to ask him to let them in.   Once in he fabricated reports on how well their investments were doing and managed to keep most people invested instead of selling until the market crash.  Bitcoin is not hush hush it is growing into trillions invested with zero underlying value.  With a US dollar, you get full trust in value which is not gold now but the US has real underlying value. It owns millions and millions of acres of land, trees, the spectrum and a lot the ability to tax your labor.  what underlies bitcoin? nothing not even a promise.


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    You could probably get your money back, and I said probably, This is because most scammers don't move the money to a bank account, most scammers move it to a crypto currency wallet or a local money saving platforms, this way they stay undetected and noticed by authorities.

    What you have to keep in mind is, this crypto wallet can be reported or hacked into, and this is what we do.


    We are ⭐PYTHONAX⭐ a group of skilled and experienced internet and computer experts. We have refocused our work force into tracking down scammers and helping victims of scam recover their money, or what's left of it. Using our experience in transactions tracking and jail breaking, we can now guarantee scam victims an opportunity to recover their money.

    There are so many ways to get scammed in the world we live in today, majority of this scams are internet based scam, one of the major disadvantages of the internet. Here are examples of scams we have dealt with and can help such victims to this scams as well-:

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    ❌Buying and Selling scam victims.
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    ❌Loans scams victims.
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    How services are simple and and a breakdown of each steps of the process we will take to help you get your money back would be explained and told to you, what we do isn't illegal, we try and follow the rules and make sure you aren't involved in any crime. You can choose to remain anonymous, your personal info wouldn't be required of you, all we need are infos regarding the scam, infos like-:
    1️⃣ Total Amount of what you were scammed.
    2️⃣ The type of scam you were involved in.
    3️⃣ The means of Communication you used in communicating with the scammers. Eg, emails, numbers or social media handles......
    4️⃣ Details of which you used to make payments and transactions ID.

    Do not feel shy or ashamed or stupid, this scammers are really good at what they do, they make everything look so real and convince and very very real like the actual real stuff.

    Use this emails below to contact us-:

    We assure you of no form of judgmets or guilt, we are professionals and only want to help.


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