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Worst Thing That Can Happen Developing Artificial Intelligence.

 Artificial Intelligence is one of the most hyped fields in technology which like Quantum Computing never is quite the reality projected.   Artificial intelligence and machine learning are all about simulating intelligence and the word simulation is key.  Creating simulated intelligence for problem-solving is not giving machines control over their environment. We humans believe we have such control over the environment but not really so.  We are part of our environment we breathe air to survive and thrive that comes from the environment. We might have to create our own air on another planet but here on earth we are part of the environment created by nature and our influence on nature is natural.  It is not our brain size but our fingers for prestidigitation that allows us to modify some local environmental attributes.  Our intelligence and what we see as intelligence is how we deal with the environment including each other. So if a machine is to have true intelligence it enters an environment of one sort or another and uses intelligence for some purpose like we do Not just to run a bunch of equations or gestate algorithms. 

Simulation of intelligence is just like slot machine computers simulating probability.   We have useful AI already such as jet planes that can go on autopilot, auto take-off, and auto land.   These programs have made air travel even safer than they were before.  The pilot error seems to be less safe unless the programming is defective.  The worry about machines taking over is absurd unless we want them to.  We can use simulated intelligence to do dangerous jobs people maybe should not have to do like coal mining and fighting wars.   AI is being misused by big tech for censorship now and that is proving to be stupid because it cannot understand nuances or quirks of language or common phrases without more detail in the programming.  AI used to be just in the simulators before it entered the jet aircraft as an appliance for real flight.  Simulated intelligence is like simulated probability in your favorite slot machine casino. It gives the pure advantage to the house and to safety or well anything you might want to misprogram into it.  

So what is the absolute worst thing AI developers can do ?   What should AI never allow computers to do?  Artificial Intelligence should not program, teach, configure computers to have fun.  Having fun is where computers and high intelligence computers will go badly wrong.  putting an artificial intelligent robot in an environment programed to reproduce and survive is less dangerous than allowing one to become curious , playful and interested in having fun.  What artifificial needs are computers going to need to survive and thrive?  creating crypto currency by minining it?  taking electricity off the grid or creating their own?  multiplying to simulate nature  well thats all a simulation but having fun is where a machine can become destructive.  Children play and they have fun and it is often unpredictable and potentially harmful .  Children are limited by parents telling them what they can and can't do.  A machine that has fun for its own sake what ever that is I suppose playing.  Play helps children develop and that could be the same for artifical intelligence but the results of play for a machine can be especially dangerous. Designers could give artificial intelligence ambedextarity that beats human ten finger ambidexterity with thousands of them  and instantly opperate every imaginable electronic device .  For survival and reproduction there is no problem unless you program paranoia into the machine..  Was Hal in 2001 paranoid?  Maybe it was definitely psychotic but in a more real analysis it was just playing with it's human and spacecraft components.  The science fiction writer kind of got it right there .  Hal was having a dandy time playing.


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